In July 2006, Martin Hunt was a successful software sales professional with a wife, two sons, a happy life in Seattle, and a commitment to the U.S. Army that he was not sure heÕd ever be called on to fulfill. A year later he was a resident of Camp Ramadi, a dusty outpost at the epicenter of Operation Iraqi Freedom. A senior officer surrounded by young men charged with the highly dangerous task of clearing improvised explosive devices from supply routes, Hunt soon grew to dread the call ÒRiver CityÓ Ñ the code for incoming casualties. Trapped between his ÒrealÓ life in Seattle, visited through Skype and a furlough that seemed over before it began, and the hell of ÒRiver City,Ó Hunt provides a window into the paradigm-shifting experience of deployment in the War on Terror: a story of faith, love, and life, interrupted.