This stringing machine looks fabulous and performs amazingly well too. We have strung over 500 rackets so far and have loved using the machine.
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The machine is the perfect machine for almost everyone looking for a professional, accurate and quick stringing job. This machine is suitable for high volume stringing and performs as well as machines twice its price.
This product is shipped direct from the Taiwanese factory to you, shipping can take upto 5 weeks,expect shipping to be around £600 although you will need to double check with us for an accurate price directly to your location. Finally, please note YOU are responsible for any import charges.
- Extremely well built
- Durable
- String activated gripper for time efficiency
- Fast release and adjustable clamps for additional time efficiency
- Height adjustable stand
- Pre-stretch up to 20%
- Very precise stringing machine
- Made in Taiwan
The 1 year warranty is managed directly with Felet and not through BRR.